Classes and Lessons

Starting in mid 2007, I taught weekly classes in New York City with Vanja Modzelewski (now Vania Rey) for about four years, ending in 2011. After that I taught classes, workshops, and private lessons all around the USA. If you'd like me to teach at your venue or festival, get in touch. I love coming to new places.

In August 2021, I started teaching advanced group classes with Michelle Lamb before the El Destino Milonga every Sunday. If you'd like to attend, you can just walk in, as long as you have documentation of full vaccination (the first time you come- we keep track after that). However, it's better for everyone if, the first time you come, you sign up by sending email to That way we won't have to inspect your documentation at the door. You can learn more about El Destino on Facebook.

Later in 2022 Michelle and I hope to start group classes on Monday nights. Plans are not set in stone yet, but it's probably going to be intermediate and advanced one hour classes, at 7 and 8 pm. If you're interested, contact me and I'll let you know when everything comes together.

I have limited time for private lessons in NYC, but if you're interested, just ask - if I can't make time for you I will recommend another good teacher. If I am already travelling to your city, there's a good chance I'll be teaching privates, so let me know well ahead of time, or contact the local organizer.